Book One in the Burning Souls Trilogy
MJ Fields
Copyright 2013 MJ Fields
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Editing, proofreading, and formatting done by littlehouseofedits.
Cover created by K23 designs
All music by Burning Souls and The Brody Hines Band in the book are written by MJ Fields. Songs mentioned throughout have been given credit and are the work of the credited artist, musician, or song writer.
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organization is entirely coincidental.
To all who have traveled through hell and never gave up. To those who understand a broken soul and love them anyway. To those who have fought and struggled but pushed forward in search of clear waters.
~Burning Souls; how it began~
Maddox and Harper are a couple who I couldn’t put away. They were introduced in the Wrapped series and many of the supporting characters are from the Love series.
This is a standalone series. You obviously get more depth from reading the Love series and Wrapped but it’s not necessary.
You can always travel back if you decide you want to learn more about
Lucas Links, Tessa and Collin Abraham, or the rest of the Ross family in the Love Series.
You can read more about Brody and Emma in the Wrapped series.
The room was small, dark, cold, and smelled of urine and feces. He sat in the corner hugging his knees and rocking himself back and forth trying not to cry. He was hungry, weak, and very angry. His punishment had been a result of his anger, the rage burning inside of him.
The pig had them and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He had been locked in the closet for over a week as a result of trying to stop the pig’s torture.
The night sounds ran through his head like a freight train. He covered his ears and rocked faster as he buried his head in his knees. His angry tears scorched the side of his face and the pain in his chest blazed through his soul.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh,” he chanted softly hoping his voice would cover the screams of the damned.
The innocent screams of the damned. The children he had watched come in and out of the door since he could remember. The children: given, sold, or taken.
Maddox jumped as he woke from his nightmare. He was drenched in sweat and his bed was soaked. His body shook violently. He was used to this, the same every time he had the nightmares, for the past six months. He grabbed a shirt and threw it on. His hands were still trembling. He began to breathe, in and out, relaxing deep breaths. The tremors slowed and he stripped his bed.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Maddox Hines, son of rockstar Brody Hines, sat in the Principal's Office. He waited as he had at least once a week for the past nine months for his father and step mother, Emma, to arrive. Brody would always storm in and argue with the principal or superintendent about whatever situation Maddox had found himself in. Maddox’s outbursts were never unprovoked and Brody and Emma fought with all they had to keep him in school. He only had a month left until he graduated valedictorian at sixteen years old.
“What is it today, Maddox?” Brody hugged his son as he walked into the office.
“Your son attacked another student, again.” The superintendent Richard White snapped.
“Alright then Big Dick was it your boy this time?” Brody chuckled, “You should teach little Dick to keep his mouth shut and hands to himself and then he would not have these problems.”
“Alright Brody,” Emma quietly tried to calm the storm she saw brewing in her husband’s eyes. She looked at Maddox. “Maddox, it’s not funny.”
“Sorry Mom,” Maddox tried to keep a straight face.
“It was a lot different this time, Hines. His attack was unprovoked. He walked into the cafeteria and punched another student in the nose. He is on his way to the hospital, and your son is on his way to jail,” Richard sat back and smiled smugly at Brody.
“You better be joking, Dick.” Brody stood up, and Emma grabbed his hand.
“No joke. They are here now,” Richard nodded to the door.
Brody was shocked when two uniformed police officers walked into the principal's office.
Brody stood protectively in front of his son. His jaw was tight, and hands fisted at his side.
“Sir, you need to step away.”
“I don’t think so,” he sneered.
Maddox looked at Emma; his face became rigid as the fear that was initially on it faded. He smirked.
Emma dug through her bag frantically searching for her phone and dialed their lawyer, Eli.
“Mr. Hines, step away,” the other officer said to him.
“What are you charging him with?” Emma’s voice quivered.
“Okay we can bring him down; you don’t have to take him. Our lawyer will meet us,” Emma tried to sound strong.
“You’re not even going to ask what the fuck happened!” Brody’s booming voice filled the room.
“He assaulted a student, who is on his way to the hospital. Not much to question. It’s all on tape,” Richard snapped.
“Big Dick sit down and shut the FUCK up! No doubt your little fucking spawn deserved it!” Brody snapped.
“Maddox?” Emma was seeking an explanation to what had happened.
“I punched him, twice actually. He deserved it, and he is lucky I did not…”
“No more Maddox, say no more,” Brody looked at the officers who stood waiting.
The officers walked towards Brody, one had his hand on his gun.
“Are you kidding me?” Emma stood between Maddox and the officer, “You certainly don’t need a damn gun!”
“If you don’t step away…” the officer began.
Brody stepped away from Maddox and took Emma’s hand, pulling her away and allowing the officer’s access to Maddox.
“You will be okay right, Maddox?” Brody watched the terror in Maddox’s eyes.
“Dad?” Maddox was scared
“Can I ride with him?”
“No, Mr. Hines.”
“Why?” Brody growled. “Forget it, you have one car?”
“Yes,” the officer looked confused at the question.
“Perfect,” Brody smirked and looked at Emma, “Love,
you got Eli meeting us at the station?”
Emma nodded her head yes and watched as they started to cuff Maddox. “Is that necessary?”
The officers did not respond and continued.
“Wait, Maddox, what happened? Why did you hit him?” Brody stood in front of the doorway blocking it completely with his generously proportioned body.
“My personal file was on the school webpage.” Maddox voice quivered, “Everything Dad.”
“Okay son. Dick you wanna pull that up?” Brody walked towards the desk.
The officers waited, and Brody stood next to Richard.
“See, nothing,” Richard looked smugly at Brody.
“Perfect,” Brody winked at Emma drew his arm back and punched Richard in the face. “Maddox, little Dick, had no chance with a fucking big Dick as a father.” Brody turned and put his hands behind his back. “Cuff me.”
“Damn it, Brody!” Emma snapped.
“Been awhile since I have been in jail, Em, I miss the food,” Brody laughed as they walked them out the door.
Maddox looked at him in shock.
“I guess we will be riding together. Hey Dick, sorry about that,” Brody said with false sincerity.
Emma and Eli sat in the interview room two hours after the arrest. Eli was diligently working, messaging his office and the school’s attorney.
Brody and Maddox were escorted into the interview room by a guard, all three of them were laughing.
“Well hello Love, did you miss me?” Brody winked.
Emma looked down and did not reply.
“Oh, you're mad at me,” he squatted down before her, took her hands and kissed them.
“Eli,” Emma looked away refusing eye contact. “Would you care to tell us what is going on?”
“We are waiting for the school’s attorney to drop the charges. My office found the post on a few students’ social media accounts. The link was followed back to the school's web page. This should not take that long.” Eli looked up at Maddox. “Contrary to what your father’s behavior showed you today, your actions are not justifiable, Maddox. It doesn’t matter what they say or do you cannot just hit someone, either one of you!”
Brody looked at him glaring, “He had…”
“Brody, enough,” Emma snapped.
“Oh, so now she speaks,” he smirked.
“You were wrong, Brody. Maddox, you are going to have to have consequences for your actions.” Emma did her best to be the parent since her husband was not.
“And Dad, does he get consequences?” Maddox chuckled, “Sorry, Mom, I understand.”
“The answer is yes, he will have consequences too.” Emma crossed her arms in front of her chest and scowled at the ground.
“Promise?” Brody whispered into her ear causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand at attention and her face to get flushed.
Emma avoided Brody since they returned home. She tucked her daughter from her first marriage, London, into bed. They said prayers which normally ended in London sending hugs, Eskimo kisses and chocolate cake to her father, Troy, in heaven. But tonight it was different.
“God please help Maddox learn not to care what others say about him or do to him. We love him more, and that’s all that matters,” London peeked up at Emma who opened her eyes.
“London that was nice…” Emma began.
“Mom, don’t be mad at him,” London stuck her bottom lip out.
“I am not mad at him, I’m just disappointed and sad,” Emma hugged her.
“Okay,” London seemed content with Emma's clarification and fell asleep quickly.
Emma stood up and saw Brody leaning against the door jamb holding their two year old daughter, Lexington, as she slept in his arms. “I thought maybe you would want to give her a kiss before I put her in bed.”
Emma took Lexi and hugged her as she brushed past Brody and walked into her room. “Good night little princess,” Brody leaned over Emma’s shoulder and kissed Lexi’s head. He didn’t move and looked into Emma’s eyes.
Emma leaned away when he tried to kiss her. He chuckled quietly and walked out the door.
Emma walked into Maddox’s room he sat at his computer as he did every night. He was looking at the missing children’s web link that was sent to him by Zach Taylor.
“It’s time for bed Maddox,” Emma rubbed his head.
“Can I please…just ten more minutes, please?” Maddox continued to scroll down looking over the pictures of their faces. There were so many.
“Sure Maddox, I’ll be back in fifteen minutes, okay?”
“Thanks.” Maddox continued to stare at a picture.
Emma moved closer to see what he was fixated on, “Maddox, does she look familiar?”
“It’s Zach’s sister. She looks familiar. I am sure it is because I want so badly to give him peace.” Maddox continued to stare.
“Okay,” Emma kissed his head, “Do you want me to stay and look with you?”
“No, not tonight, I probably don’t deserve…” Maddox stopped, “I am sorry about today.”
Emma let out a frustrated breath, “Maddox I am sorry about today too. I just never want to see you in trouble again okay? Dad and I are not always going to be able to fix it. This one is tricky, more so because your father acted like an ass.”
“I was scared. He didn’t want me to go alone,” Maddox looked up at her, “So it’s my fault as well.”
“He is the adult, Maddox. It is not your fault.”
Maddox tried to hold his face straight, and Emma couldn’t keep hers that way either, “Shh, if we laugh he will hear us.”
“Sorry Mom.”
“I will be back in fifteen minutes okay?” Emma hugged him and left the room.
Emma sat on the bed and called Lila, “How is that little guy?”
“He is amazing, I can't believe Markus is going to be six months old soon, they grow up so fast,” Lila sounded so young and carefree when she talked about her son, and only when she talked about her son.
“Some of them anyway,” Emma said sarcastically.
“You’re mad at him.”
“I am mad at him. Well I should be right? Ugh,” Emma threw herself back on the bed.
“So he hit him right in the face?”
“Yes he did.”
“Did it turn you on?”
“Everything Brody does turns me on. It sucks! I should be so mad at him right now. I mean, honestly, what the hell was he thinking? Well, I know what he was thinking, and even that turns me on. He is the easiest man to love and want to slap all within the same second. He …God Lila,” Emma smirked as she sat up, “Oh!”
“You okay Emma?”
“Uh huh.”
“Is he standing there listening?”
“Uh huh.”
“Have fun with that,” Lila laughed, “Call me in the morning.”
Emma hung up the phone and closed her eyes.
“Look at me, Em,” his breath hit her hands that were covering her face. He had moved from the doorway to her in the blink of an eye. She shook her head no.
“Come on now, Em,” Brody lifted her chin.
She looked into his smoldering blue eyes, “You shouldn’t have hit him.”
“Nothing else would have gotten me in that police car with him, Em,” Brody didn’t break eye contact, “I did what needed to be done.”
“But nothing, Em, I will take care of him. I would do anything for my family. You, Maddox, London and Lexi. I will never change;” His hands moved down her body slowly, “Your body’s reaction to who I am better not either. So fucking hot, Em.”
Brody’s lips and body covered her. She wanted to tell him no, she needed to talk to him, to tell him that this was not okay. She pulled her lips from his and his mouth moved to her neck. Pleasure consumed her body, heat spread lower and lower.
“I told him…I told Maddox I would be back in fifteen minutes,” Emma whimpered as h
is cascade of kisses fell lower and lower, “Oh God, Brody.”
“That’s all I need,” he lifted her up swiftly pulling her legs around him. She grabbed his hair, pulled his mouth to hers, and kissed him deeply, passionately, “For now.”
Brody and Emma walked into Maddox’s room together. Maddox smiled and turned off the computer, “Are you done fighting?”
“We were not fighting, Maddox,” Brody smiled and kissed Emma’s hand, “We want what’s best for you. I should not have hit Big Dick, you should not have hit, little…
“Brody,” Emma raised her eyebrow in warning.
Maddox tried hiding his smile.
“We need to find a way to deal with anger. Both of us,” Brody looked at Emma, “I will work it out tomorrow. We love you, get some sleep.”
They sat in the district office at the high school waiting for the hearing to begin. Eli had two assistants and a thick folder in front of him.
Richard walked in with a piece of tape over his nose, and so did his son. Brody’s jaw clenched and Emma kicked him hard under the table. He bit his cheek trying his damnedest not to laugh out loud. Emma looked at Maddox, and he was doing the same. Are you freaking kidding me? S he thought.
The meeting began, and the school’s attorney attempted to take control. He stood and lectured Maddox and Brody on what was and was not acceptable in the school district. He lectured them on the law, and finally a lesson on basic manners. He informed them that nothing had been found on the school's website and that these types of false accusations would not be tolerated.
“After an in-house investigation, we have decided to suspend Maddox for the rest of the school year. We will allow you to return next fall and finish your senior year as long as Maddox works with a therapist on his anger issues. I also think you may want to consult a doctor about the possibility of anxiety medication. This is absolutely the best we can do, and honestly I think that’s more than fair,” he sat down.
Brody’s face was almost purple, and Emma squeezed his hand as he began to speak, “Un- fuc...”
Eli quickly interrupted, “This investigation, were students interviewed?”