Wrapped in Silk Read online
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Why does she seem sad, he wondered.
Emma and Lila walked back up to the lounge. Emma grabbed her bag and grabbed her phone. There were no missed calls, she was relieved that everything was alright but wanted to talk to London.
Probably not a good idea since you’re buzzing and it was ten o’clock at night, she thought.
“Emma come sit,” Lila said pointing to the chair next to her, “Everything alright?”
“Yes everything is fine,” Emma said putting her phone away.
“Have another drink,” Lila said handing her one.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Emma smiled.
“You are with me tonight, it’s a great idea,” Lila laughed and handed her another drink.
“I think I should drink beer, this is going to give me a hangover,” Emma laughed.
Brody handed her a beer, “I think I owe you one,” he smiled.
“Thank you,” Emma said and looked confused.
He laughed and walked away. She has no idea who I am, that’s a relief. He thought.
“Who is that Lila?” Emma asked.
Emma laughed, “Brody Hines, he is a singer, newly separated and he is a hothead.”
“That’s not true Lila,” Brody laughed from behind her. “Just tell it like it is.”
“Sorry Brody,” Lila smiled.
“No that’s fine, I have been called much worse,” he smiled. “Emma is it?”
“Yes,” Emma said embarrassed that he had heard her ask Lila who he was.
“I met you earlier today, at the park.” he smiled, “I literally ran you over.”
“Oh, okay, well thank you for the drink,” Emma smiled.
“Did I hurt you?” Brody asked.
“No, I am fine,” Emma blushed.
“Good, would you like to dance?” Brody asked.
“No I don’t think that is a good idea,” Emma smiled and looked away.
“You afraid you’ll end up on the ground again?” he smiled.
“Yep that’s it exactly,” Emma said and laughed and walked to the bathroom.
When she came out Lila yelled to her from the dance floor. Emma and Lila were both intoxicate and they danced and acted outlandishly. Emma was having fun and they were joined by Brody and a few others from the lounge. The music slowed down and Brody grabbed Emma’s hand.
“One dance?” Brody insisted.
“Sure why not,” Emma giggled.
“Do you like this song?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Never heard it,” she smiled, wow this feels so…okay stop it she told herself.
“Well do you like it?” Brody asked.
“It’s alright, do you?” she asked.
“I do,” Brody said and smiled. “So what kind of music do you like?”
“Anything I can sing along with, most everything,” Emma answered.
“But this one is just alright?” Brody asked looking confused.
“No it’s nice,” she said and all of the sudden her stomach ached and she felt dizzy. Oh no she thought. “Excuse me,” She said as she ran towards the back entry.
Brody followed her knowing she was not feeling well. He walked up to her after she threw up and handed her a tissue.
“Did that song make you ill?” he asked trying not to laugh at her.
“Thank you,” she said embarrassed and looking away. “And no it wasn’t the song; it was all the vodka and beer. I don’t do this often.”
“Should I get Lila?” Brody asked.
“No I will be fine, thank you for the tissue,” Emma said as she walked towards the door. He followed her in.
“What’s going on?” Lila asked smiling.
“I think the song made your friend sick,” Brody said before walking away.
Emma woke up at six in the morning. She didn’t need an alarm anymore it was just something that happened naturally after seven years. She decided to go for a run and stop by and get coffee for her and Lila. She was back by seven thirty and sat looking at help wanted ads online.
“Good morning Emma, I was sure you would sleep in after last night,” Lila laughed.
“I don’t sleep in, I wish I could,” she laughed. “I brought you an iced coffee, I hope you still like the vanilla,” Emma said handing it to her.
“I haven’t had this since college Emma, thanks,” Lila smiled. “What are you looking for?”
“A job,” she laughed.
“What do you want to do?” Lila asked.
“Probably something with my degree, my dream job would be flexible. I need to be able to available for London. She is at school from eight in the morning until three in the afternoon. I have done child care so that I am with her all summer as well. Maybe I should go back to school and teach, and then I would have summers off,” Emma thought out loud.
“Yes and make crappy money. You always wanted to edit, why don’t you try that?” Lila asked.
“I would have to move,” Emma said. “We have made enough changes in the past six months.”
“What about freelance work?” Lila asked.
“Benefits and a steady paycheck, I have a child,” Emma laughed.
“Okay but I have some connections Emma, you could do it. I would like to help you.” Lila said and hugged her.
“Okay I will look into it. Reading all day would be a dream,” Emma smiled. A dream… not a reality, she thought. “I am going to take a shower.”
When Emma got out of the shower she heard Lila on the phone.
“It’s not the end of the world. This is exactly why you hired me, let me take care of this,” Lila said and looked at Emma who was walking through the door. “Why don’t you come over, the three of us can discuss this,” Lila smiled nervously towards Emma.
Emma wondered what was going on. Lila hung up the phone and took a deep breath.
This is not good she thought, a hotheaded rock star and her best friend.
Emma answered her phone, “Good Morning baby girl!” she said smiling as she walked out of the room. They finished their conversation and Emma headed to the bathroom.
Lila opened the door and grabbed the pile of newspapers sitting outside her door in the hall.
Three of the four had the story on the front page and the daily rags haven’t even come out yet Lila thought.
Emma walked out into the den as she was drying her hair. Brody was sitting at the small game table with Lila.
“Sorry to interrupt, I forgot my bag,” she said grabbing it and she turned to leave.
“This doesn’t even trouble you?” Brody asked in an irritated tone.
“I’m sorry are you talking to me?” Emma asked respectfully.
“Brody she hasn’t seen them yet,” Lila said, “Emma could you come sit with us please?”
Emma sat down and Lila handed her the newspaper. There were three pictures on the front page. The first was of Brody helping her up at the park. The next was of them dancing at the club. The last was him handing her a tissue after she threw up in the parking lot at the club last night. Her eyes widened as she saw them, there was no mistaking that it was her in the second two, or the first if she was honest with herself.
“Lila why would someone take these, why are they in the paper?” Emma asked perplexed.
“Honestly?” Brody asked in his British accent. “Do you truly not get it?” he stood up and leaned against the window clearly agitated.
“Apparently not, and by the way I have been polite as hell to you. However if you continue being rude that will certainly stop. Lila, what if Troy sees these. We have court in two weeks, what am I going to do?” Emma was panicked.
“Emma we will figure this out. It will be alright,” Lila said comforting her friend.
“Excuse me; I could care less about what happens to your friend. I pay you a great sum to take care of this sort of stuff for me. You would do well to remember that,” Brody snapped.
/> “It won’t be a problem. They have taken this situation and blown it way out of proportion. The truth will work Brody,” Lila said calming him.
“The truth?” Emma gasped, “And what’s that Lila that I was drunk at a bar dancing with some, I don’t know…him? That’s not going to work well for me in court.”
“Well my dear this is not all about you. I have a lot to lose here, do you understand? I can guarantee that I have far more to lose than you,” Brody said ascetically.
“Oh really...” Emma began to speak.
“I am quite sure,” Brody responded hastily, “So you will take care of this?”
“No you egotistical ass,” Emma yelled at Brody.
“Now you listen here darling,” Brody interrupted. “I don’t know where you have been for the past five years of your life but I am a platinum selling recording artist. The song you and I danced to last night was mine and has been number one on the charts for five weeks in a row. I am going through a divorce and have a lot more to lose than someone like you. Honesty is always the best policy, but regardless of that, I will not lose to my whore of an ex wife. Are we clear?” he snapped.
Emma jumped when he yelled, immediately aware that she being intimidated by yet another self absorbed man. “You can go fu...” she started and was cut off by Lila.
“Alright this is not helping, let’s sit down and discuss this please Emma, Brody, please have a seat,” Lila’s tone was authorative just like always and both sat glaring at each other. “We can figure this out so that it works fine for both of you.”
“How much do you want?” Brody said looking at Emma.
“Are you for real? Well how about you go grab a stack of money and stick it up your…,” her phone rang and she grabbed it and stood to walk away. “Hello is everything alright baby?” she asked.
“Oh I see she has a boyfriend already, just like every other woman. Can’t wait for the ink to dry hu?” Brody said as he walked past Emma.
“I love you more...yes we do. See you in two days. Remember sunscreen and call me later. I miss you more,” Emma said smiling as she felt tears forming in her eyes.
“Can you come sit down please Emma,” Lila said softly knowing Emma was understandably upset.
“I need to use the bathroom,” Emma said as she walked down the hall and Brody brushed past her.
This was a mess, a big mess. She thought Troy was going to have a field day with this.
“Okay so I am going to talk and both of you are to keep your mouths shut until I am done,” Lila said firmly. “Brody is going through a really hard time right now. His wife of three years, a model,” she began and Emma rolled her eyes and Brody glared at her, “Had an affair and is now living with another man. In three years they have accumulated a lot of assets and she wants half of everything, Emma he is hurting, I know you understand that. He has also busted his ass for what he has and doesn’t want her to have anymore than what he has amassed over their three year marriage,” She paused and looked at Brody. “Emma was married for eleven years. She is going through a divorce as well. She has signed off of everything they had, there are no assets left to be distributed. She does have a beautiful little seven year old daughter with her ex, who also cheated on her and treated her like shit for years. So as you can both see this is touchy.”
Emma’s phone rang and it was Troy, “Hello is London alright?”
“Sure is, I just wanted to let you know that she will be meeting my girlfriend tonight at dinner,” Troy said coldly.
“Troy we have discussed this, unless you are planning on dating her long term it is not necessary for London to meet her. It will just confuse her and…” he cut her off.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business, you have moved on. London and I read your piece in the paper a few minutes ago. By the way, that was confusing to her; she is actually upset with you Emma,” Troy used that superior tone he took with her all too often.
“It’s not what you think Troy; he is a client of Lila’s. It was nothing, nothing at all. May I talk to London please?” Emma asked softly.
“No, she is upset with you, aren’t you baby?” he said as he looked at London.
“First of all our agreement is that we can speak to her anytime we wish Troy. Second, no forget it. This should not be discussed in front of her, she is a child, and none of this is her fault. I want to talk to her,” Emma said trying to keep it together.
“You will see her tomorrow. I have plans for the third night, she will be coming back to you. We can get her through this,” Troy said in an antagonistic tone.
“You need to rethink this. She doesn’t deserve, I mean she doesn’t need to meet every woman who you bring into your life. Do you know what that will teach her Troy, you are her father first,” Emma said softly.
“You did this Emma, you wanted this over,” Troy said irately.
“Okay Troy, if that’s the way you want to play this. Just thank God I don’t feel the need to share with London the fact that you had numerous affairs. I won’t try to make myself sound better and use a seven year old little girl to villainize you. London doesn’t need to carry that burden,” Emma said trying not to scream at him or cry or lose it in front of Lila and Brody Hines.
“Thank God you’re wonderful, or were until this paper came. Talk to you tomorrow, have a great night, we will. Oh by the way we will discuss this in court,” he hung up.
Emma sat and took several deep breaths before she stood up and left the room. She sat on the bed and cried softly. Okay so you need to get it together it will all be okay. London is a very smart girl she will process this. I guess I should consider a law guardian.
Emma walked back out, before she spoke she took a deep breath and tried to stop her lip from quivering, “Do whatever you need to do. I would however prefer that my being drunk doesn’t come to the forefront of this mess,” she turned and looked at Brody. “I am sorry you’re hurting. Lila just let me know what you decide; I have to know for court.”
“What did that asshole say Emma?” Lila asked. She had never liked him.
“He is playing games and using this situation to hurt our daughter. So as far as all your properties and assets go buddy, I walked away from everything, which to you may not be much, to give my daughter normal, which means more than anything to me. Best of luck Brody, it was great meeting you,” Emma said sarcastically and walked away.
“Okay Brody, what do you want to do?” Lila asked.
“The truth, leave out the alcohol, although that would make me look like prince charming. Will you see that she is alright,” Brody was conflicted as he watched Emma walk away and heard the door slam.
“Okay I will email you a press release when it’s ready. Anything else,” she asked. He was visibly upset about something. “You are going to be fine Brody.”
“I know I will be,” he said and looked in the direction Emma had walked.
He stood to leave, “Talk to you soon.”
Lila let Emma have about an hour before knocking on the spare bedroom door. “Emma I wrote up a press release, would you look it over for me. You know edit it, like you did in college?” Lila asked sweetly.
The photos plastered on the paper this morning were interesting. My publicist invited a friend to hang out this weekend. I literally ran into them at the park, pretty comical. I asked her to dance and she was deeply touched by my music, like the rest of you are. I think my song Blue Love, made her cry, lol. So I gave her a tissue. I haven’t moved on yet ladies, still healing. To the idiot who decided this was news worthy…well there are many more important going on’s in the world that trump my jog or a dance with a friend of a friend….Cheers
“It looks great Lila thanks,” Emma said drying her eyes as she made a few corrections.
“Are you alright?” Lila asked.
“No,” Emma said honestly. “When things like this happen I wish I had just stayed, for London. I don’t know whic
h would have been worse for her.”
“I think you did the right thing Emma. If you had stayed you would have become bitter and as much as you love that little doll of yours it would have spilled over on her.”
“Lila it’s not just spilling right now, it’s pouring. My little girl is meeting girl of the week today. She is hearing him talk about my boyfriend in the newspaper, and that I ruined our marriage by moving out. My little girl,” Emma began to sob, “Did not deserve this.”
Lila hugged Emma and didn’t let go. “You are so strong. London is smart Emma; if she hasn’t already she will figure his game out soon enough. Just don’t stoop to his level.”
“Thanks, I am sorry I was rude to your client. I don’t get how you deal with people like that every day. Are they all so self absorbed?” Emma asked laughing.
“He is just angry and hurt. Just like you,” Lila said wiping her tears.
“Except regardless of what they do, they have fans,” she laughed. “It get’s lonely Lila.”
“You have me, I am your fan.” She smiled. “Brody has people who seem to care but after all is said and done his true fan club is no different than yours. He has a handful of true friends. The rest either want something from him, like his ex-wife who would not have been half as popular on the runway as she has been if she wasn’t attached to him or the ones waiting in the wings. He knows that. It’s pretty hard for celebrities who have hearts and not just enormous egos. Imagine what it would be like to just need to break down and not be able to because you’d be seen. It is kind of like what you’re going through with London. You can’t fall apart in front of her.”
“I guess,” Emma said. Her phone made a musical sound alerting her to London’s text.
-Mommy is that singer your boyfriend?
-Of course not London, he is a client of Lila’s.
- Do you like him Mom?
- Well I don’t know him well enough to make that judgment London. But he seems alright. The only reason those silly pictures were in the paper is because he is famous. Lila knows lots of famous people.
-Who else does she know Mommy?
-I am not sure London but you can ask her when we see each other tomorrow.